Author : Vicki Hansen

How do we connect through stories?​

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you” – Maya Angelou​

Everyone has a story worth telling.

It is through stories that we connect with each other and share the common essence of what makes us human.

Stories are the way we learn about the many different journeys that people have taken to get to where they are now.  There are as many stories as there are people on the planet, yet the heart of stories – the grief, the joy, the laughter, the triumphs, the failures – are common to us all.

These days social media mostly provides a one-dimensional view into someone’s world – and it is from this limited information that we make our decisions about that world and react accordingly.

But what is behind that perfectly crafted image, that perky smile beaming at us from our Instagram feed? 

Does it tell the story of the moments that happened just before, or after, that flawless pose?  

Does it show the argument that may have just preceded the shot, the underlying feeling of dread and hopelessness that the person may be trying to mask, the convoluted, dysfunctional upbringing that they may be hiding?

This is the stuff of REAL stories – and it is so important to how we connect and relate to each other as human beings. 

 Isn’t it almost a relief when a seemingly successful personality finally admits to suffering depression and anxiety?  Doesn’t that ‘admission’ allow us some space to acknowledge our own suffering, feel a sense of connection with that person and thus allow us to begin to heal? 

Not to say, of course, that all stories need to be about agony and pain.  Humour is also a fantastic way to communicate.  Judd Apatow, well-known American comedy writer and producer, when asked what makes things funny, said that it is ‘recognition’ that makes things funny – the sheer release of knowing that you aren’t alone in your own sometimes crazy thoughts and feelings. 

 So how can you tell your story through videos?

 Videos provide a unique way to reach out to countless others with stories.  The visual, aural and narrative elements of video stimulate us in a way that makes the stories engaging and, if done properly, can touch on raw emotions and move us in so many ways.

The story is always king.  Time and attention must be given to the video script, if one is being followed, to ensure that a story is clear, concise and to the point, and follows a story ‘arc’.  

The speaker should be encouraged to relax and feel free to express.  With someone who is camera shy, a sensitive director can help them feel at ease – by choosing an appropriate and comfortable location to film, asking relevant questions and just helping them to be generally comfortable in front of a camera so that they can tell their story in a natural, engaging way.  

The visuals must be properly placed to enhance and illustrate the story.  They must relate in some way to what is being talked about, to emphasise the story points.

The music is absolutely essential to creating the mood – carefully chosen music can really make or break your video.  

All it takes is for one person to find the courage to stand in front of a camera and tell their story.  The more raw, the more honest it is, the better the engagement and sense of connection.  We all want to know that others feel the same as we do, that others have the same struggles in life, the same joys, the same emotional challenges. 

Through the creation of genuine, authentic videos, your story can be seen and heard by the world.   You may not feel that you have an interesting story to tell, but it’s guaranteed that there will always be a story that will connect with certain people.  During these uncertain and challenging times there is so much noise on the internet and social media channels – and what is sorely needed is authenticity and raw honesty.  And the greatest authenticity will come from your own experience, as you are the one who lives to tell the tale.

Video stories have enormous power to engage, connect and communicate – and this is key to spreading your unique message for the benefit of others and the world as a whole

How important is music in a promotional video that you have created for social media marketing?

If you’re wanting to make a professional video, either as an advertisement for your business, for corporate training or marketing your products or services, or any other type of video, then it’s important to think about the impact of the music you choose to accompany your video story.

Often the video production house will choose the music to go with your video  but it’s always good to consider your brand and whether the music represents the kind of marketing and promotional message you wish to send out. 

It can be helpful to have a composer create a bespoke, signature sound that will be yours alone.  A signature sound will help People identify your unique business brand – something to consider in your video planning session where you, with the videography company, will devise a promotional angle that is both professional and engaging in its story-telling, as well as showcasing a bespoke brand for your business. 

Everyone loves a story – and even a video created for promotional purposes on social media platforms needs to engage audiences.  Music helps enormously to hold attention, provide pace, energy and emotion, which is what drives people to want to take action and buy your product or service. 

So next time you are wanting to have a professional video company create a video for you, consider the impact the music is having on your video story and whether it accurately represents your professional business brand. 

Are you a business that calls for a slow, gentle and considered sound, that will draw audiences into your video and make them feel something?  Or are you wanting to convey energy, enthusiasm and motivation? In that case, a more energetic, upbeat sound will work better for you. 

And when creating a professional animated video logo for your business, it is always wise to have a bespoke sound created for you by a professional composer, to ensure that it is your unique sound – always a plus when thinking of marketing and promotion on websites and social media platforms.

Vicki Hansen, Director of Storycast,  is a Sydney-based multi-media producer, creating bespoke, professional videos for promotion, marketing and corporate clients. She is also a professional composer, having worked in the TV industry in Australia for over 20 years.

What happens during a video discovery session?

When you decide to make a video to promote yourself or your business, it’s necessary to have a video discovery session.

Director of Storycast Vicki Hansen, explains how it works.

What can I expect during a video discovery session?

During the session we’ll be looking at what kind of branding or image you want to portray in your video.  This is essential is it determines the overall look and feel of your video. What kind of message do you want to send to the world, what is the story that you want to tell?

We’ll also be delving deeply into who you are and what is unique about you or your business. Sometimes a story told by you, the owner of your business, is the most powerful as you are the one with the passion and drive that makes your business run. 

We’ll talk about the best locations – either in your work-place, outdoors, green screen, etc, which would work best for you. 

Your clothing, how you look, is also important- to show you at your best and ideally should be something you feel comfortable and confident in.

Then we’ll decide on the length of the video.

Typically a video ad will run for anywhere from 15 seconds to 1 and a half minutes – around 1 minute is ideal as it doesn’t draw too much on peoples’ attention and will also work on Instagram.

We like to make our video planning sessions relaxed and easy, sharing a tea or coffee in an informal setting so that the ideas can flow. 

By the end of the session, which usually lasts a couple of hours, we’ll both have a clearer idea of where you want to go with your video and how you want it to look and feel. 

Have you ever thought that you’d like to share your story on video?

I’d like to tell you about my own journey with video, which began about 12 years ago.

One night I was at a business networking event and a man was talking about YouTube.   He told us that after putting up a video on YouTube, received about 50 views overnight.  After a week or so that number grew, and then after several months it had grown to 48,000 views.

You might think that number doesn’t sound like much, but this was back in 2007 in the early days of YouTube and 48,000 views was quite considerable.

I came home inspired and then posted my first video, which was a short video excerpt of a workshop my husband and I ran on music and meditation , for a show show called “celebrity Overhaul”.

At the time we had run a workshop for celebrities – actors, sports stars, models – on a  I had the show and I posted that on YouTube. The next one I posted was of a Buddhist Chant called Nam Myoho Renge Kyo that we had composed the music to. The video received a few views overnight, then the views slowly began to build. 

 Today that video has over 1 million views, and our channel now sits at 8.5 million views with nearly 15,000 subscribers.

Without our YouTube presence, our business would not exist. It is because of the power of video that we have a thriving music company where our music now sells all over the world.

I’d like to help you get your story out there, help you to establish an online video personality and presence. 

How important is it to have a professional video for your website?

In today’s digital world, businesses, both big and small, need a website. 

The web has a much wider reach than other forms of advertising – so marketing your business online is essential these days. 

Here are some statistics you may find interesting:

  • 75% of executives watch work-related videos on business websites at least once a week [Source: Forbes] 
  • 59% of executives would watch a video rather than read text if both options are available [Source: Forbes] 
  • 65% of executives visit a vendor’s website after watching a video [Source: Forbes] 
  • Internet users spend 88% more time on your website if there is video present [Source: Mist Media]

Video marketing is  a very effective way of advertising online.

Even when potential clients are not watching the video, a video on your website that is well-produced and looks slick implies authenticity and legitimacy. It shows a lot of willingness to invest in yourself and your business and helps to build trust in your brand.

Secondly, by integrating the use of multimedia –  and in particular videos – you are communicating your message on multiple levels,  using spoken word, visual imagery, music and text. Videos engage potential clients; enhance your website’s look and increase interest in you and your product or service. 

Another important factor is that professional videos for any website will improve  search results. 

  • A professional video is over fifty times more likely to rank well than a plain text-site in the search engine. 
  • Businesses that have videos on their websites have 41% more (Aberdeen group) web traffic from searches than sites that don’t use video at all.
  •  Video also drives organic traffic up by 157%. (Brightcover)  You can capitalise on this by having a video or videos on the landing pages of your website.
  •  Embedding videos on landing pages can increase conversions by 80%. (Eyeview digital)

Most of us do not like reading long articles –  preferring to watch a video. It is also said that visual information is far better retained than textual information.  Studies show that viewers retain 95% of a video’s message compared to 10% when reading text. (Insivia)

How can video promotion on social media make a difference to your business?

Did you know that there are nearly 3 billion social media users worldwide?

Here are some interesting facts about social media:

  • Facebook is the most popular social media platform. 
  • 90.4% of Millennials, 77.5% of Generation X, and 48.2% of Baby Boomers are active social media users. 
  • Users spend an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes per day on social networks and messaging.
  • 45% of people watch more than an hour of Facebook or YouTube videos a week.
  • 87% of online marketers use video content.

You have a captive audience waiting to watch your videos on social media!

People are increasingly watching video as a way of gathering information, learning about new products and services and also just as pure entertainment. 

As a business wanting to promote your services, you’ll be looking at ways to harness the potential that video holds.

As we know, there is a lot of visual ‘traffic’ on social media, so a video really needs to stand out from the crowd. 

A video will need to ‘grab’ attention – with something that is strong visually (as videos are ‘on hold’ until you play them), or a storyline or text that really makes people want to stop their scrolling and engage with your video.

When it comes to social media, it’s important to know your audience

This will help in the creation of your video story which will be specifically targeted towards your chosen audience.  The more targeted and ‘niche’ your promotion is, the better chance it will resonate with and engage your target market.  So it’s very important to be clear to know exactly who it is you are marketing to when you create your video and also set up your promotion on social media.

Seven things to think about when making a professional business video

So you’ve tried making a video for your business in the past and it’s come out pretty rough?

The audio is ‘inaudible’ – the wind was blowing through the mic, someone started a lawnmower in the background or, without a decent mic, it sounds like you’re speaking from the other end of a hollow tunnel?

Or maybe you cut half your head off, your eyes were darting all over the place looking for the camera, you had a big stain on your shirt, your hair was a mess, your presentation was stiff and awkward…

So many things to be aware of when you start making videos without all the necessary gear, adequate thought and decent preparation!

Here are some tips and tricks when it comes to making a video that will present you and your business in the most professional light.

  1. Have your intention, your story, clear. What do you want the video to do? What do you want to say to the world about who you are and what you do?
  2. Where would be the best place or location to present yourself that best represents you and your business in the most professional light.
  3. What should you wear? Something that says what your business is about, but also something that you feel comfortable in, that best expresses who you are.
  4. Your script is key. Make sure your words are clear and concise, to the point and follow the recommended video marketing script to ensure maximum engagement (a video marketing professional can help with that!)
  5. Have the right gear! Audiences will forgive (to a point) a slight roughness in the visual quality of your videos, but the audio must be crystal clear, otherwise, people will give up! A good lapel mic will do the trick.
  6. Make sure your video isn’t unnecessarily long. Try to say what you need to say in as short a time as possible.
  7. If you feel it’s too much, get help! It can be hard, managing both the behind and in front of iPhones/cameras by yourself! Make sure it’s someone who is supportive and who helps you to feel relaxed and comfortable.
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